Angry Bird

This eagle was not happy when another eagle stole its food.

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Mouse Trap

This little fellow caught itself a field mouse.

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A proud eagle showing why they are a symbol of America.

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Fly By

This eagle was kind enough to fly right over my head.

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Baby Eagle Take Off

A young eagle launching from it perch.

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Spread Eagle

I have several of these eagle taking off images, but they are among the best.

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A well feed hawk demonstrate the great balance it has sitting a a small perch.

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Wing Span

This young eagle was spreading its wings as it took off.

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Tree Take Off

I managed to catch this eagle taking off through the tree.

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Seagull On A Rock

I know some of my titles are not very creative, but I hope the quality of the images makes up for it.

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This eagle posed nicely, but was a bit ruffled about it.

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Eagle Eye

Here is a picture of an eagle giving you the eagle eye. It was a windy day, so its feathers were a bit ruffled by the wind.

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Bird On A Wire

Birds of prey love to hang out on electric poles looking for food. This hawk is a prime example.

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This is a hard to get shot of a hawk in flight.

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One Legged Hawk

Caught this hawk hanging out in the rain. Turns out he is surviving in the wild with 1 leg.

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American Kestrel

This is a colorful little bird.

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Barr Lake Crane

This Great Blue Heron is nicely framed by couple of trees.

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Great Horned Owl

Great Horned Owl.

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Free Bird

This a a great image of an eagle in flight.

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Barn Owl

This Barn Owl was checking out something on the ground.

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This hawk was coming in for a landing.

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Brown Barn Owl

Brown Barn Owl on the hunt.

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It is an old cliche, but this bird is as proud as a peacock, and not afraid to show it.

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Seagull On A Pier

This little fellow was just hanging out on the Pier in Southern California, striking a nice pose.

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Here is a close up of a pelican going for a swim on Barr Lake, just outside of Denver.

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Big Baby

You would never tell by the size, but the color says this is a baby eagle.

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Cabo Crane

This Crane was photographed in Cabo San Lucas, just hanging out on a seashore.

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Peek A Boo Hawk

This hawk is doing a good job of hiding in a tree.

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Fly Like An Eagle

This is a hard to get shot of an eagle about to take flight.

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Eagle Eye II

As I took this shot, this bird gave me the eagle eye.

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In Flight

This seagull was following a bay tour boat looking for a free meal.

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